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Analysing situations is one of the higher order skills necessary to deal with quantitative situations. In order to solve real-life problems with mathematical tools, it is necessary to mentally form and visualize a model of the situation. Modeling is a teaching method that helps learners to analyse an everyday situation and make their own assumptions visible, communicable and correctable. Based on this, mathematical concepts and computational techniques are to become more comprehensible. The method is generally applicable to tasks at all levels. Beginners (X1, X2) should benefit the most.
- Recognize that learners are moving in multiple worlds at the same time during mathematical tasks. Each of these three worlds should master them sufficiently (problem solving, mathematizing, arithmetic). The three worlds they coordinate as part of a problem-solving.
- Understand that “just computing” causes learning problems.
- Construct everyday situations in a model way using an example to experience for yourself and get to know the idea behind them.
- Experience a playful approach (little text) to mathematics.
- Reflect on the experiences gained and combine it with the theory taught.
- Make the teaching method usable in courses with adults.
Warm water
How warm does the water has to be? The aim is to open the subjective perspective of the teachers (prior knowledge, prior beliefs, prior experiences on the theme).
Activity 2
To study and discuss two or more examples of how this can be addressed in a Adult Numeracy activity.
Activity 3
Find your own examples and describe learning paths. To design by/with teachers of one or more Adult Numeracy Activities for his/her own teaching situation, exchange results between the teachers. Discuss. Suggestions.
SELF STUDY coding theory
Our mind can store boith verbal and visual information at the same time and can remember both when we retrieve either of them. numeracy lessons
Examples of numeracy lessons using concrete materials in-doors and out-doors. visuals work
The value of sketching out abstract concepts with visualisations.
- Lynda Ginsburg, Iddo Gal (1996) Instructional strategies for teaching adult numeracy skills. p 4
- Mieke van Groenestijn & Lena Lindenskov, eds ( 2007 ): Mathematics in Action Commonalities across Differencesa Handbook for Teachers in Adult Education; Chapter 4 – examples and conclusions.
- L. Hefendehl-Hebeker, T. Leuders & H.-G. Weigand (19009, Eds.), Mathemagische Momente, Berlin: Cornelsen. Kaiser (2009). Modelle bauen und begreifen. Mehr als blindes Rechnen bei angewandten Aufgaben. (pp. 74-85).
- Roth, W.-M. (1994). Thinking with hands, eyes, and signs: multimodal science talk in a grade 6/7 unit on simple machines. Interactive Learning Environments 4(2): 170-18